Bags not actually out of stock! We are just unable to sell them online due to complicated shipping. We always have several in stock in store so give us a call and we would be happy to let you know exactly what colors and sizes we currently have in stock. Thank you!
While we were experiencing our first dance competition season with our little one, we realized that we needed a bag that:
- Allows for a privacy curtain (with uHide™ system)
- Has more shimmer/sparkle
- Has a brighter lining.
- Maneuvers on 4- spinning wheels
- Can be set up fast and easily
- Adjusts for different heights
- Has a sturdy rack
- Can be zipped up while the hanging rack is in use
- Removable thermal pouch insert (easy to clean!)
We were not able to find one that fully met our needs, so we decided to design a new, patented model, called CHANGING STATION™, the dance duffel by Glam'r Gear! It not only has a hanging rack that doubles as a wardrobe, and all the functions above, but it also has MORE!
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